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SHIP PI Brief introduction to the key features V4.0
This is version 4.0 valid from 2020-Q1
SHIP PI how to use
- Brief introduction and guidance on the features:
- Permission setting
- Export/import selection of File type and Decimal symbol for the CSV data
- Whitelisting of PI values being out of the ordinary in order to be allowed for benchmarking
- Note function for PIs
- Shared Fleets between user and users or third-party stakeholders
Permission setting for the Administrator Account manager provides more detailed settings for all or individual user as well as easy overview of the permission given. The Permission settings is located under the button “Settings” in the top right corner, please select “Admin Settings” and click on” Permission Set” and if needed create a new suitable user permission set. Multiple user permission sets can be created and applied to different users. Please note that Business Units is created under the Admin Settings and Fleets can be created under Ship Performance by clicking on the 3 dots button after the “Business Unit” name.
Export/import functions found on the Ship Performance page, under “Tools” in the top right corner. Users must select the correct File type and Decimal symbol for the CSV data used for Performance Indicator reporting. Please ensure to use the SHIP PI Export function to download the correct version of the SHIP PI CSV file format. After updating the CSV file with the associated PI data and after saving the file it can be Imported for the quarterly update of the connected Business Units, Fleets and Ships. The Performance Indicator reporting can still be done ship by ship under the Ship Performance section.
Please note that Ship Attributes have been improved and users can now choose to utilise the Automatically fill in function, mark the ship as completed and save at button of the Ship Attributes tab in the right-hand side of the Ship Performance page. The data is based on the S&P Global ship data set.
Whitelisting of PI values this feature allow the user to enable acceptance of reported Performance Indicators value is out of the ordinary. Users with Account Manager permission can allow and permit values being out of range to be included in the benchmarking and ranking calculations. A ship with a reported PI value being out of the ordinary will be marked with a coloured Question Mark. The value can be submitted for whitelisting or changed appropriately by clicking the Edit button in the left side. After the submission the Account Manager will have to accept the whitelisting value.
Please remember that if noting to report i.e. Zero Inspections and Zero Deficiencies no value should be reported i.e. the field should be left empty to avoid the mathematical error zero divided by zero exception.
New note function for PI if need can a Performance Indicated be accompanied by a comment to provide an additional comment or information to a reported PI, this could be a corrective action take to an event affecting the ships performance.
Shared Fleets - this feature allow SHIP PI user to share enlisted ships with PI reporting data with either other users or third-party stakeholder. The function has a high degree of security and entails the use of a uniquely generated Access Code between the parties. The access can be governed by Ship(s), Time period, Users and Permission settings. The user can also select whether or not the shared SHIP PI data is to be retained for both parties or just the user.
The ship attribute function, is amongst others, used for segmentation in connection with Benchmarking and for statistical purposed, hence is important for all users to include these in the routine updates in the ship PIs when these Metadata changes:
- META004 - Draft
- META005 - DWT
- META006 - Speed
- META007 - Entry into and Exit from Management (or ownership)
- META010 - Class Society
- META014 - P&I Club
- META015 - Trading Areas
- META016 - H&M
- META017 - Nationality Senior Officers
- META018 - Nationality Junior Officers
- META019 - Nationality Ratings
- META021 - Flag
- META023 - Ship Status
Please also if not already done, enter the Ships values for the META025 - EEDI and META026 - EEXI.
Users will be able to add the ship attributes under the tab “Ship Performance” at the top menu bar, and the “Ship Attributes” tab on the right-hand side menu, by the function “Fill in automatically”, mark the data as “Completed” when all data have been updated filled in appropriately and “Save”.
The more updated PIs and Ship Attributes the more correct and reliable Benchmarking results for all users.
For and assistance or questions please contact the SHIP PI support team here