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Performance Indicators V4.0
This is version 4.0 valid from 2020-Q1
The Performance Indicator (PI) is what is directly observable or measurable within the company (as an example; number of incidents, fuel consumption, exposure hours etc.). In the Shipping KPI model over 67 PIs are defined today.
The following Performance Indicators were defined:
- PI001 - Actual drydocking costs
- PI002 - Actual drydocking duration
- PI003 - Actual unavailability
- PI004 - Agreed drydocking budget
- PI005 - Agreed drydocking duration
- PI006 - Average number of officers employed
- PI007 - Emitted mass of CO2
- PI008 - Emitted mass of NOx
- PI009 - Emitted mass of SOx
- PI010 - Last year’s AAE (Additional Authorized Expenses)
- PI011 - Last year’s actual running costs and accruals
- PI012 - Last year’s running cost budget
- PI013 - Number of absconded crew
- PI014 - Number of allisions
- PI015 - Number of ballast water management violations
- PI016 - Number of beneficial officer terminations
- PI017 - Number of cadets under training with the DOC holder
- PI018 - Number of cargo related incidents
- PI019 - Number of cases where a crew member is sick for more than 24 hours
- PI020 - Number of cases where drugs or alcohol is abused
- PI021 - Number of charges of criminal offences
- PI022 - Number of collisions
- PI023 - Number of conditions of class
- PI024 - Number of contained spills of liquid
- PI025 - Number of seafarers not relieved on time
- PI026 - Number of dismissals
- PI027 - Number of environmental related deficiencies
- PI028 - Number of explosion incidents
- PI029 - Number of failures of critical equipment and systems
- PI030 - Number of fatalities due to work injuries
- PI031 - Number of fatalities due to sickness
- PI032 - Number of fire incidents
- PI033 - Number of groundings
- PI034 - Number of health and safety related deficiencies
- PI035 - Number of HR related deficiencies
- PI036 - Number of logged warnings
- PI037 - Number of lost workday cases
- PI038 - Number of navigational related deficiencies
- PI039 - Number of officer days onboard all ships with the DOC holder
- PI040 - Number of officer experience points
- PI041 - Number of officer terminations from whatever cause
- PI042 - Number of officer trainee man days
- PI043 - Number of officers onboard
- PI044 - Number of operational related deficiencies
- PI045 - Number of passengers injured
- PI046 - Number of permanent partial disabilities
- PI047 - Number of permanent total disabilities (PTD)
- PI048 - Number of PSC deficiencies
- PI049 - Number of PSC inspections
- PI050 - Number of PSC detentions
- PI051 - Number of PSC inspections resulting in zero deficiencies
- PI052 - Number of recorded external inspections
- PI053 - Number of releases of substances to the environment
- PI054 - Number of security related deficiencies
- PI055 - Number of oil spills
- PI056 - Number of unavoidable officer terminations
- PI057 - Number of ships operated under the DOC holder
- PI058 - Number of observations during commercial inspections
- PI059 - Number of commercial inspections
- PI060 - Number of violations of rest hours
- PI061 - Passenger exposure hours
- PI062 - Planned unavailability
- PI063 - Total exposure hours
- PI064 - Transport work
- PI065 - Overdue tasks in PMS
- PI066 - Medical Treatment Cases
- PI067 - First Aid Cases