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PI052 | Number of recorded external inspections V4.0

Performance Indicator

This PI captures the number of recorded external inspections.

DefinitionThe total number of recorded inspections and audits by external bodies (e.g Class, port state control, flag state, underwriters and ITF) excluding commercial and voluntary inspections (e.g charterers inspections such as CDI and SIRE) made for the purpose of quality improvement.
ScopeReported on a ship level
Calculation periodCaptured and reported on a quarterly basis
ReferencesThis Performance Indicator - PI052 - is used by the following Key Performance Indicators
KPI011Environmental deficiencies
PI027Number of environmental related deficiencies
PI052Number of recorded external inspections
KPI015Health and Safety deficiencies
PI034Number of health and safety related deficiencies
PI052Number of recorded external inspections
KPI016HR deficiencies
PI035Number of HR related deficiencies
PI052Number of recorded external inspections
KPI019Navigational deficiencies
PI038Number of navigational related deficiencies
PI052Number of recorded external inspections
KPI024Operational deficiencies
PI044Number of operational related deficiencies
PI052Number of recorded external inspections
KPI029Security deficiencies
PI052Number of recorded external inspections
PI054Number of security related deficiencies

During Q3 a ship is inspected by PSC, Class and CDI. The number of reported inspections should be two, as CDI does not count (commercial inspection which is covered by PI059)