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PI030 | Number of fatalities due to work injuries V4.0

Performance Indicator

This PI captures the number of cases where crew members died as a result of a work injury.

DefinitionNumber of deaths on board among the crew or any person being part of the ship's complement (e.g. officers, ratings and cadets) resulting from a work injury (not illness or other conditions) regardless of the length of time between the injury and death.
ScopeReported on a ship level
Calculation periodCaptured and reported on a quarterly basis
ReferencesThis Performance Indicator - PI030 - is used by the following Key Performance Indicators
KPI017Lost Time Injury Frequency
PI030Number of fatalities due to work injuries
PI037Number of lost workday cases
PI046Number of permanent partial disabilities
PI047Number of permanent total disabilities (PTD)
PI063Total exposure hours
KPI034Total Recordable Case Frequency
PI030Number of fatalities due to work injuries
PI037Number of lost workday cases
PI046Number of permanent partial disabilities
PI047Number of permanent total disabilities (PTD)
PI063Total exposure hours
PI066Medical Treatment Cases
KPI035Total Recordable Case Frequency including First Aid Cases
PI030Number of fatalities due to work injuries
PI037Number of lost workday cases
PI046Number of permanent partial disabilities
PI047Number of permanent total disabilities (PTD)
PI063Total exposure hours
PI066Medical Treatment Cases
PI067First Aid Cases

1. A crew member is being hit by a falling object in the first quarter, suffers a stroke and dies. Later analysis shows that the crew member had a condition which caused the stroke and the accident itself was not the reason for his stroke. This does not count as a fatality due to injury.

Would the above case have been confirmed in Q3 as a result of the falling object the death should be reported in Q3.

Such issues (which is disputes and finalized after some time) are corrected in next reporting

External references

Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) is defined by OCIMF under the Marine Injury Reporting Guidelines which is calculated on one year rolling period.