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PI018 | Number of cargo related incidents V4.0

Performance Indicator

This PI captures number of cargo related incidents.


The number of incidents during cargo operations attributable to the ship, her equipment, her crew and/or failures of Owners and/or ship board procedures and/or practices. The PI includes but is not limited to:

  • Rejection of ship or holds/tank prior to loading
  • Inability to load full agreed quantity
  • Failures/underperformance of ship's cargo equipment
  • Cargo contamination
  • Any other cargo incident caused by:
    •  Negligence by ship's crew
    • Inadequate company and ship board procedures and practices 

The PI excludes the following external factors causing incidents: 

  • Stevedore/shore staff
  • Inherent vice (nature of cargo)
  • Shore equipment
  • False or incorrect declarations by the shipper, etc.
ScopeReported on a ship level
Calculation periodCaptured and reported on a quarterly basis.
ReferencesThis Performance Indicator - PI018 - is used by the following Key Performance Indicators
KPI004Cargo related incidents
PI018Number of cargo related incidents

In 1st quarter cases of cargo related incidents attributable to the ship:
- the ship short-loaded cargo of grain products due to error in stability calculation on Jan 2nd,
- the ship stopped discharge due to breakdown of cargo crane on Feb 15th,
- the ship received a claim for cargo contamination with previous cargo carried onboard on Feb 18th.
Number of incidents related to cargo operations = 3

Examples not attributable to the ship:
- the ship short-loaded cargo of grain due to Stowage Factor error in Shipper’s Cargo Declaration on Mar 12th,
- the ship stopped discharge due to damage to cargo crane caused by shore hired crane driver on Feb 17th,
- the ship received a claim for cargo contamination caused by shore loading equipment (different grain cargo)