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PI018 | Number of cargo related incidents V4.0
Performance Indicator
This PI captures number of cargo related incidents.
Definition | The number of incidents during cargo operations attributable to the ship, her equipment, her crew and/or failures of Owners and/or ship board procedures and/or practices. The PI includes but is not limited to:
The PI excludes the following external factors causing incidents:
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Unit | INCIDENTS | ||||||
Scope | Reported on a ship level | ||||||
Calculation period | Captured and reported on a quarterly basis. | ||||||
References | This Performance Indicator - PI018 - is used by the following Key Performance Indicators
In 1st quarter cases of cargo related incidents attributable to the ship:
- the ship short-loaded cargo of grain products due to error in stability calculation on Jan 2nd,
- the ship stopped discharge due to breakdown of cargo crane on Feb 15th,
- the ship received a claim for cargo contamination with previous cargo carried onboard on Feb 18th.
Number of incidents related to cargo operations = 3
Examples not attributable to the ship:
- the ship short-loaded cargo of grain due to Stowage Factor error in Shipper’s Cargo Declaration on Mar 12th,
- the ship stopped discharge due to damage to cargo crane caused by shore hired crane driver on Feb 17th,
- the ship received a claim for cargo contamination caused by shore loading equipment (different grain cargo)